Wednesday 29 January 2014

When Internet was not yet born..

Undeniably, now that we are in the modern era --- the stage with so many technological advancements, life of the people is seemingly more progressive and easy. With just one click, we can reach the world and connect with other people even from miles away. Through Internet, everything is now accessible such as all the information, communication, products, services, entertainment, learning and many more. Indeed, it’s too far from the life of our grandparents and ancestors way back then.
Many years ago, life is too simple. “Apple” and “Blackberry” were just simply known as fruits. The term “Yahoo” was just a joyful expression and there’s no such thing as “Facebook” only people facing books. There’s no Twitter at all, just tweeting birds. And “virus” was just a cause of common colds.
Long ago, the term “friend” is actually denoted as someone who personally knows you and someone who is always your buddy but now, your friend list might include people whom you really don’t know, more so, gaining of friends is so instant and to remove friends can be done in just a snap. In fact, Brene Brown said that social media has given us this idea that we should all have a posse of friends when in reality, if we have one or two really good friends, we are lucky.
During the old times, encyclopedias, books, libraries are very in-demand for people seeking for information but nowadays, the answers are right in the tip of your hand through Google and other search engines.
Before, our ancestors and grandparents were just happy and contented sharing their life experiences and stories with their family and their neighbors but now “everything” is being shared online. From the food they eat, their drinks, the restaurant that they are in at the moment, their outfit of the day, to what they are doing, their mood at that time, their feelings, their wrath, agony, secret affections, gifts they received, and so many more, and commonly their posts are associated with pictures.
And speaking of pictures, before, photo albums were just the book or binder with blank pockets for printed pictures but now these photo albums are not that too significant because there are online albums which are available in different social networking sites that doesn’t required printed photos.

Indeed, different concepts of life were changed as we welcomed and embraced these social networking sites. It’s true that it has positive and negative impacts, but at the end of the day, the effects of these sites will definitely depend upon the user. And it is important to take note that before bursting out to the netizens all your aspirations, gratitude and repent through your statuses and tweet, how about trying to tell it first to God? And remember no matter how the world has changed, let us stick to the simplest and most effective mode of communication, the prayer.

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