Saturday 4 January 2014

Quest for Genuine Happiness

Happiness. It’s the ultimate dream of all of us, to live in a blissful life. Many people are constantly battling for happiness and striving to defeat all the things that hinder it. Some find it easy to achieve but for others who barely get a hold of it, it’s like a magic that only exists in fairytales.
Money, success, fame, material things, honors, and love life are some of the assumed major source of happiness by most of the people. And for these things, they struggle a lot and do whatever it requires just to have it. And when they get these, what now? People will now set a new criterion of happiness to target. And at some point, it became the start of a problem. Once people have it all, they tend to have higher standards of happiness and find it frustrating for not getting those.
Now, what’s the real ingredient to a genuine happiness? Never rely your happiness to other people because you’ll feel alone and melancholic when they left you. More so, never search your happiness on money or any other material things because it will only make you feel depressed and wretched when you haven’t got it or when you lose it.  Instead, you should find happiness within yourself.
As an initiative, you should learn to appreciate and to be contented on what you have in a moment. It’s the problem with some people why they feel miserable, because they always compare their life to others and they always look for their emptiness. Always remember, there’s no need to have it all, you just need to make the best out of what you have. Never assume that you were in the position of other people because it will only generate insecurities and doesn’t help at all. Just walk in your own shoes contentedly and happily and if that so happened, you might be surprised to know that some people are aspiring to be in your position too. It is also a good thing to lower your standards of contentment to avoid disappointments.
Stop complaining, just be thankful for what you have and what you don’t have. Because as you waste your breathe complaining about your life, someone out there is breathing for their last. Some people are just being too dramatic over things as if they have the worst condition in the world. If you think you were neglected by God, just place your hand over your heart then feel a precious gift from Him, your heartbeat.
When problems batter you, face it. Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about dancing through the rain. Ask for God’s assistance and do your part. If God solves your problem, you have faith in his abilities and if God doesn’t, He believes in your abilities.
Failures and mistakes? It’s part of life, you do not have to be perfect all the time because you’ll gain experiences in committing mistakes rather than doing nothing. After all, if “Plan A” did not work, remember that there are 25 letters more in the alphabet. So stay cool and relaxed. Moreover, it’s a big help to always wear your smile rather than frowning.
You will be the sole accountable for what will be the quality of life you’ll have. It’s not about the things, it’s about your state of mind and how you handle life over the uncertainties. After all, no one or nothing is in-charge for your genuine and infinite happiness, only you. 

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