Wednesday 29 January 2014

My Messy Utopia

Messy living area, cluttered bedroom, untidy bathroom, grimy kitchen --- that’s how I described the usual scenario inside our small house. It’s like there’s always a storm that slammed inside our dwelling place. Commonly, stuff scattered around, clothes are not organized and the sink is filled with used kitchen utensils. That’s the usual picture of our house and seeing it clean at its best is a once in a blue moon opportunity.

            My mother is not that into the habit of cleaning our house because she’s always busy with our small business and she’s not the type of mother who is keen when it comes to the house cleanliness. More so, my three younger sisters are all lazy and are not that diligent in doing household chores. Of course, I wouldn’t expect my father to do the thing because he is working.

            Since I lived in Manila to study, I didn’t do the task of cleaning the entire house anymore that’s why every time I went home every two weeks, its messy surrounding is not a surprise anymore. Actually, to see it clean will be very surprising instead.

            Despite the situation inside our home, I would consider it as my favorite place among others. This is the place where I am raised as well as my sisters, the place where I first learned all the virtues in life and the avenue where I feel the love. This is a home that unified our family wherein we have shared memories, laughter and even problems. This is the only place that I feel really comfortable and I can show my true self.

            As what the saying goes, “there’s no place like home”. And indeed, nothing can compare to our home despite the fact that it is often messy, I still love the four corners of it and the overall structure of it even it’s not fully furnished yet. I am fond of every part of our home because each of these witnessed the bonding moments I have created with my family. ­

            Certainly, I consider my home as a utopia wherein everything is in harmony except for the mess and dirt that cluttered around.


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