Saturday 30 November 2013

“Forget About the Price Tag”

            World stands for three things…. money, money and money.
            As they say, money is the dirtiest thing in this world but somehow, it’s the ultimate dream and priority of all people nowadays.
            Time witnessed the continuous reigning of money in all places. Men are killing each others because of it. It is also the roots of almost all crimes in the community. No doubt, money administration is ruling us.
            Almost all can be bought by money, I myself, witnessed how powerful money is. During my elementary days, my Mother always reminds me that we do not have enough money so she always failed in giving what I want.
            Sometimes, I go to school without any money in my pocket. And there were times that I couldn’t afford to buy school projects and join in school events and field trips. And that made me disappointed. These things really brought big effects on my grades. From that, I realized the great magic behind the dirtiest thing in this world.
            I am just one of the millions of Filipino who endured the low points of life in money. That’s why I thought to myself that I will do all I can just to become rich and to enjoy the luxury of life, so that I can afford all the material things that I never had before.
            Until one day, I heard from an old woman from our neighbor, shouting these words to someone, “Pera lang yan, hindi mo na madadala yan pag nasa hukay ka na!” As I heard that, I smiled and realized that she’s right.
            Days after, my classmate who is one of the richest in our class sent us the bad news that his father died because of certain illness. Their wealth did not stop his father from dying. From that moment, I came to realize that I may not be blessed with money, but I am blessed with lots of things like my complete and healthy family, my parents who always care, my friends, happiness, age, knowledge and my time here on Earth.
            I would still choose to be the poorest person rather than losing any of these priceless and most precious things I ever received.
            Until now, many people are still searching for happiness and they assume that money is the answer for it. We should think again if we thought it really was.
            Don’t set money as your ultimate goal in life. Let us more and more insist of raising funds of love, of kindness, of understanding, of peace, rather than of money.
            World should stand for three things….you, your fellows and God.
            I can now shout out to the world that indeed, I’m very rich! But don’t expect me to lend you money because I am prosperous in other precious things except money because I’m penniless…

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