Saturday 23 November 2013

"Merry Marriage"

 “A successful marriage requires falling in love many times with the same person”.
            Once a thought suddenly entered into my mind and made me think what will be my new surname someday, then I just smiled and said that only one can answer my silly question, only God.
            I often heard from the elders and in television soap operas the famous line about marriage, “Ang pagpapakasal, hindi yan tulad ng kanin na pag napaso ka, iluluwa mo nalang.” Well, it is true enough because marriage is such a sacred thing that requires greater courage and faith as you entered in this phase. In doing so, you must make sure that you are ready for all the responsibilities and consequences of being a spouse and parent as well.
            A marriage is like a journey, the certain wrong is to think you can control it. Saying your vows at front of the altar in your wedding is not yet the happy end of your journey together. Real life is not like the clichés happy ending in telenovelas wherein when the lead characters were finally married, the story will end as they live happily ever after. In reality, the wedding day is just the link between the life being single going to the married life which is another chapter of your life. It can be a happy life or a miserable chapter, only the two of you can manage it.
            Life is full of surprises. There are so many unexpected things that might happen and you don’t have the total control over things but the management is all in your hands. T
            I have heard one time from a group of youths, debating whether the partner whom you spend your life with is brought by destiny or by choice. Honestly, I am unsure about this thing because until now, I really don’t know how to find the answer. But rationally thinking, for me the answer is subjective. Whether by choice or by fate, we all have our own perceptions based on our past experiences. We all have different love stories and this past and present stories will help us think for the answer. Some people who found a perfect partner for them and now living happily, might assume that they were brought by fate to fill the missing piece of their life. On the contrary, the couples living in a miserable and sad relationship may presume that it was all by choice and they might conclude that fate and destiny were not true.
            One thing is for sure, life after the wedding day will all depend on your decisions and choices. Marriage does not guarantee you that you will be together forever it’s only a paper. It take love, respect, trust, understanding, friendship and faith to make it last.
            The husband and wife must exert efforts to keep their vows forever because as what stated in Matthew 19:60, “therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.”

            Love should be timeless and unconditional because the most romantic story is not Romeo and Juliet who died together but Grandma and Grandpa who grew old together.

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