Tuesday 17 December 2013

"Friends Forever"

Living without you is such a misery
Just like living in an island solely
Grieving in solitude and melancholy
Suffering alone from my deepest agony

You are the one who can make me feel eased
During those times that I feel pissed
You also rejoice in my time of bliss
And abide with my weirdest stories

You really know me above all
All my life issues and heart call
You became the storage box of my secrets
And for that, I don’t have any regrets

All the words that I hold out on
Were all uttered to you my dear companion
For I have no guts to speak what’s on my mind
All those words that were kept behind

I admit that I am not that absolutely loyal
Especially when I meet new pal
And I might not recognize you sooner
Once I lose my senses as I grew older

Still, I am confident that you’ll be there
Even when I am left by all other
So my deepest gratitude will be forever
To my dearest friends, pen and paper

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