Monday 24 February 2014

Valentine's Day (02/14/14)

Romantic messages on air, flowers and chocolates everywhere, hue of red all over, and the spread out sweet lovers are just some of the signs that Valentine’s Day is on the scene. As what they say, love is indeed in the air during February 14. It is a special day among other 364 days to mark in our calendar that are celebrated particularly by couples all over the world.

For this year’s Valentine’s Day, we went to places that are most visited by couples to take some footages on how they celebrate this special day. I, together with my friends made interviews with different people who came from all walks of life. There are students, employees, parents, oldies and bisexuals who shared their sentiments for this day. And to evaluate all the people we met, they all just fall under two categories: those who are in a relationship and those who are single.

Certainly, love surrounds in all the couples that we have interviewed. We’ve witnessed how love binds their relationship as couples. We have interviewed couples who said that trust is the primary ingredient to make the relationship lasts. However, some also said that it’s the effort to show their affection that counts the most. But no matter what their love story is, how they show their love, or how they shared each day of their lives, there’s only one thing that I’m sure about, and that is they are all happy being with someone they love.

We also met people who were single at the moment. And they voiced out, “Who says that Valentine’s Day is only for lovers?” According to them, even they are not committed to someone, they are happy with their friends to celebrate the day. But at some point, we also noticed that some of our interviewees are looking forward for having a partner for the next Valentine’s Day. And they also admit that at times, they feel envious for seeing sweet couples together.

My friend once joked that Valentine’s Day is said to be Friday the 13th for singles. It is the time when we heard some bitter lines from them. On the contrary, it is a romantic time for lovers for gift giving and dating.

Now, I won’t go too far. After hearing different Valentine story from other people, it’s time to share how my Valentine’s Day this year is. Well, nothing’s special for my February 14, 2014 because proudly, I belong to the category of singles. . It’s my 18th year of welcoming the day as single so there’s nothing new about this one. I just go out with my friends and like what I said, we just made some interviews for school purposes. I will be pathetic if I say that I am not envy to those happy lovers that we saw. Indeed, at times, I also came to think when I will meet my partner too. But when and where, only God knows.

Valentine’s Day truly plays an important part in our hearts. Most people are so excited for this to come though there are also not. But at the end of the day, we should keep in ourselves that love shouldn't only be expressed during Valentine’s Day, Christmas Day or any holidays in our calendar. It has to be shown every day, every minute, and every second to all people.

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